sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010



Site especializado em thrash metal... meio lento para eles...  Talvez o especializado em DOOM considere um liquidificador  :?)

Modern thrash metal with progressive/technical tendencies, at least in the beginning; the album develops in an energetic pace well expressed on the short intense opener "Filthy Pride" which may annoy you with the "gruff/husky" vocal duel which will be the dominant one, unfortunately. Not much technical stuff happening on this one, but "New Nightmare" is already a more elaborate, and more satisfying, affair despite the obvious lloss of speed. "Intermittent Happiness" provides intriguing dry mechanical technical thrash with a nice faster twist at the end. "Sacred Liar" is an emblematic Swedish melodic thrasher, but "Current Facts" hardens the course moving the sound a bit towards the classic school as well. The technicality has almost completely disappeared up to this point, and the band settles for a slow/fast track alternation till the end turning the album into an average offering of the Gothenburg school.

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